• Kohler Golden Girl – Original Goose Girl Head - Original Image

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High quality professional retouching is undetectable. A good retouch artist works behind the scenes to bring out the full potential of an image.

That image may be an advertisement, whether for web, print, or both, comprised of several individual images, logos, and lines of copy, composited to create a stunning representation of your product or business. It may be a single image lacking the true color, contrast, and clarity the photographer saw through his or her lens, but did not capture properly. Or it may be a family or personal picture that just needs a little help to bring out and show off it’s real beauty and personality. For more than 30 years, I have been a RETOUCH ARTIST & COLOR SPECIALIST, living and retouching in Austin, Texas. During this time, I have done professional retouching for many advertising agencies, creative directors, designers, photographers, artists, corporate marketing executives, and individual clients, helping bring their ideas and visions to life.

Having worked for a large commercial printer for over fifteen years, I have a very strong background in print production, with great emphasis on detail and color reproduction. In addition, my career, which began as a drum scanner color technician, gave me vast experience in photographic principles, color and reproduction. Some of my more notable clients and customers include BMW, Southwest Airlines, Whole Foods Market, Dell Computers, Land Rover, Texas Highways Magazine, Whataburger, Golfsmith International, Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine, Costa Del Mar Sunglasses, Sea World, Blue Bell Ice Cream, Pizza Hut, and Shiner Bock Beer. Some local agencies I’ve worked with are GSD&M, McGarrah Jesse, Sherry Matthews, LatinWorks, Tocquigny Design, Razorfish, and Aha! Creative.

Since creating this website twelve years ago and becoming a full time “freelance” retoucher,  my Photoshop skills have allowed me to reach all corners of the country, and around the world, all from my Austin studio. In addition to retouching for businesses and clients from coast to coast here in the U.S., I’ve helped clients with their imaging needs in Canada, Brazil, England, Portugal, Denmark, and as far away as Australia & New Zealand. It’s quite rewarding to know my work is sought-after and appreciated throughout the world. I look forward to the possibility of working with you, and for you, on your next project. My passion lies in creating and contributing to beautiful and meaningful design and art.


To see more of my professional retouching work visit my portfolio on this site. 

I am always looking for an opportunity where I can

contribute my professional retouching expertise and skill setTom Spillane - professional retoucher/professional retouching

to support and help bring great work to life.

~ Tom Spillane

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